Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I've found alot of the science conversation on SF Site really interesting. As a lover of non-fiction, I realize that much of sci-fi is the stretching of the known world into probable possibilities...
I think for me, often the sociological aspects are not as keenly drawn. They seem anachronistic in whichever new world men and women are finding themselves...

SFSite is stuffed with references to TV and film. I think more than any other genre, Sci Fi seems to translate well. Certainly the audience for Hollywood  blockbusters and Dr. Who might be the same, mostly young and mostly male?
Or do I date myself ??

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Earlyword, continued...

Michael Pollan's Cooked has been highly anticipated, however it is more of a how-to book than I had hoped. I'd recommend it to someone who enjoys the intros to the Joy of Cooking chapters, ie... about yeast

For readers looking for a treatise on the food industry's misdeeds,
I'd recommend instead  Michael Moss' Salt  Sugar  Fat   How the food Giants Hooked Us.

For readers looking for a great memoir with a treatise on cooking great food, I'd go with Blood, Bones, and Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton.
It will become very popular very soon -  Gwyneth Paltrow has optioned it.